Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Clinch River Striper Fishin'

I took Stuart Row and Christian Allen up the Clinch this evening for a few hours in hopes of finding a few stripers. I got bait between the Hwy 70 and I-40 bridges. We started out at the routine spot across from Rick Klein's house and didn't find any. We then ran way up the river (~13 miles) to Grubb Island. We floated shad under a poppin' cork along the shore line, and right away I caught one that was about 8 lbs. We stayed another 15 minutes or so and then headed back down river until we saw rockfish breaking across the river from the mouth of Clary Foote's place. Another fisherman was closer to the breaking fish and got the slip on us, blocking our line of casting – we sat there and watched him catch a couple and then out of utter frustration, we moved on downstream. We returned to the spot across from Rick Klein's house and almost immediately saw fish breaking in front of Rick's dock. We quickly motored across the channel and hooked up two nice stripers – Christian caught one on a free line shad and I caught one on a 10" redfin – I missed another couple on the redfin.

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