Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scouting Trip

Stuart Row and I went out on Tuesday evening from about 4:30 to 6:30 to see if we could spot any stripers working minnows in his cove or to see if we could hook up with an easy smallmouth.  When I arrived at Stuart's place on Watts Bar, he had already got our bait - which is extremely plentiful this time of year - we headed out in his 24' Hurricane.  Although we didn't see any feeding stripers, and we didn't locate any smallies, I did show Stu a thing or two about trash fishin'!  Being the trash king I snaked out two of Watts Bar's fiestiest drum. It was one of my greatest showings so far - NOT!  Either way it was great getting to spend some time with Stu, he is always encouraging and good for plenty of thought provoking conversation. Thanks Stuart.

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