Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stripers and Storms with the Rows

Stuart Row and his brother Rob and his son went with me up to Long Island this afternoon to see if we could catch a striper.  The bite has cooled off considerably since a couple of days ago.  We started near the barge tie up and found a few fish on the graph, missed a fish or two right away but didn't boat anything.  Next we went up to the top side of the island and fished the west drop off.  Rob hooked up with a nice 14# rockfish as shown in the picture.  At about 4:00 p.m. Luke hooked up with us and we ran and picked him up at the Windy Hill ramp.  shortly after we picked up Luke a pretty nasty storm blew up and it started lightening - I think the Row's saw more lightening than they care too and we ended up running them back to the boat launch for the end of their trip.  Good ole Luke and I decided to take our chances and see if we could find some more fish. We got another batch of bait in the Center Farm cove and as I was throwing the 10' Cracker in 19' of water I caught a 5# largemouth.  We went back up to the west side of Long Island and I ended up catching a 20# blue cat. If you notice I'm soaking wet in the picture, that's because when I got the cat in it started flippin' around on the deck and knocked my Costas in the water and I had to dive in to save them. It was a real clown show for the boats fishing the island.                                          

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