Thursday, July 22, 2010

Fishin' with the Interns

I took Will Tullock and Christian Allen (summer interns from Strata-G) to the flat above Long Island.  We started about 5:30 p.m.. This was Christian’s first time to ever fish in a boat.  I got good sized (~2.5-3.5”) shad minnows in Center Farm, and we headed up river.  Unfortunately, this time of year arriving too early can create some discouragement – thus the old adage that patience is so important when fishing.  We really weren’t catching much on the flat – just an occasional small catfish – so we ran down river to the smallmouth point across from the eagle nest, and we got to see a bald eagle just sitting up on the bluff. We only caught a few small catfish.  Next we ran back up to the flat above Long Island to finish out the evening.  We ended up catching a few white bass, but overall it was disappointing considering how many fish we have been catching lately.  This is a picture of Christian – I believe this is probably the first white bass he’s ever caught.  We all had a really good time.  Check out the incredible sunset the good Lord painted for us tonight.

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