Saturday, September 11, 2010

Clinch River Stripers

Scott with a 15 lb Striper
Ian with a 9 lb Striper
Gourmet Rockfish - About as fresh as it gets!
Scott, Ian, and I fished the Clinch River this afternoon for stripers.  We launched at the Gallaher Rd. launch at about 3:30 p.m.  The first order of business was to get our bait.  So we went  into the first creek to the right as you go upstream from the launch.  The water temperature was in the low 60's.  We got a good number of 6 to 10" gizzard shad and headed up the river to Jones Island.  We started on the upper end of the island and within 10 minutes I landed a 5 lb striper, and Scott caught one about the same size.  At about 5:00 p.m. Scott hooked up the big fish of the day, a 15 lber (see picture above).  A little bit later good old Ian was chunkin' his favorite jig and got ahold of a really nice 9 lber (see pic above).  He is one of the luckiest guys I've ever been around. 
We fished another hour or so and it began to rain and lighting.  So, we headed back home, and as we got to the launch the rain started absolutely pouring out of the sky, and the wind was going crazy.  So I guess it was a good thing we decided to pack it up when we did.  The final fish count was Scott - 3, Ian - 1 and me- 1
The last picture is of Scott's 15 lber (or at least a piece of it) - I took it home and filleted it up and had some of it for dinner.  It was some of the best fish I believe I havc ever tasted, really firm, white and flaky.  I covered it in flour, salt, and pepper and  then added a little Chef Paul Prudome's Redfish Magic seasoning and then lightly fried it in olive oil. I had it with rice and it was literally some of the best fish I have ever put in my mouth

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