Saturday, May 14, 2011

Early Morning Cotton Port

Ethan, Ian, and I went to Goodfield Creek early this morning - we got up at 4:30 a.m. to arrive at the launch by 5:45 a.m.  We got to our spot just as the first light was visible.  We started at the pads in Crawford Branch. I lost one and caught one (~2 lbs) on a Choo Choo spinnerbait (1/2 oz. Sexy Shad - gold willow leaf blades) right off the bat.  Ethan caught one on a shad colored fluke.  Ian got 6 or 8 blowups on a top water buzzing frog, but couldn't get a hook in one.  I had a Texas rigged Berkley Power bait worm tied on and would cast at the blow-ups Ian missed but could never get a follow up bite.  After a while we noticed several gar hanging around near the surface under lily pads and Ethan actually caught one on a fluke, so we deduced that most of Ian's blow-ups were probably gar.

Ethan caught a couple of largemouth on an Xcalibur XCS 100 Foxy Lady square lip crankbait as well, along with a white bass, so it didn't take me long to follow suit and change my cran kbait color.  Shortly after my change, I picked up a few bass on the XCS100 Foxy Lady. 

For the day, I caught 5 bass (best one was 2 lbs) 1 on the Choo Choo, 1 on a white jig (the jigshadcraw - Ethan and Ian will know what this is :-)), and 3 on an XCalibur XCS 100 Foxy Lady square lip cran kbait. 

Weather was overcast - warm to cool breeze (low 70s) a cold front is blowing in today

We fished from 6:00 a.m. to 11:30.

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