Saturday, July 11, 2009

St. Joe Bay Bouy Tripletails

While down at Cape San Blas with Scott and William's families - I was mooching out a short vacation with a few of my kids - I took Luke and Will out in the bay to try our hand at catching some tripletails.  I had talked with guys at the local Half Hitch Tackle Shop in Port St. Joe and they told me just what to do.  Head out to the large bouys in the bay with a Gulp shrimp on a 1/4 oz. lead head about 3' under a poppin' cork and throw right up next to the bouy.  The triple tail like to come up and lay on their sides in around the bouys, picking off small shrimp and bait fish that gather around the anchor chains.  Well we did just that.  I rigged up my Shimano Stradic 8000 with 50 lb test Power Pro, a poppin' cork, 50 lb test Ande flourocarbon leader, a red 1/4 ounce lead head and a Gulp shrimp (natural color).  Right off the bat I caught a beautiful 8 lb tripletail.  We tried several more times, and several more bouys, but never got another taker.  I filleted up our catch - even enjoyed a bit of it raw! - very tasty.  We fried it up with some fresh flounder that evening and really enjoyed some of finest table fare the good Lord ever provided.

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