Monday, July 27, 2009

More Redfish & Speck Madness

Luke and I went to the same spot as the yesterday where I cashed in on the monster redfish bonaza (behind conch Island off Hwy 30A) and fished from the kayak.  We started with chug-bugs and zara spooks and located a spot with lots of bait fish activity and a school of mullet - lots of good surface activity.  Right away Luke hooked into a monster speckled trout and fought it all the way to the boat and it got off.  I estimate it was between 6 and 7 lbs - just the biggest speck I've ever laid eyes on. We were sick.  As the day progressed we caught a few more smaller trout and moved around looking for the reds.  I caught a keeper redfish (~3 lbs) on a zara spook but things were somewhat slow for an hour or so until we returned to the main channel section immediately behind Conch Island - still in about 2' of water.  We began picking up a few fish, and then it began...2 hours of the most exciting fishing of my life!  Over the course of about 2 hours we caught 25 reds and trout with the best being an 8 lb redfish.  Luke redeemed his earlier heartbreak by boating a 5 lb gator trout.  The biggest trout any of us have ever boated. It was a completely incredible day - probably the best day of my life, and I got to share it with my son...Wow!

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